Sunday 31 October 2021

2021 Barn Owl nesting season complete

We ringed a "second" brood of Barn Owls on the 30 Oct, completing the nesting season in the Middle Thames area.

These chicks won't be fledging for another 2-3 weeks yet, so will face a hard struggle to survive the winter.

This was one of only two second broods found this year, the other failing at the chick stage.

A total of 45 chicks were raised this year in the RAS area at 19 successful nests (average brood size of 2.4), making it a moderately successful breeding season and good news after last year's disappointing outcome.

Sunday 11 July 2021

2021 Mid-season Status

Barn Owl box checking in our study area has revealed 18 nest attempts, with a further 4 occupied boxes where nesting hasn't yet started.

So far, 22 chicks have been ringed at 9 of these nests, with brood sizes of : 4/3/3/3/3/3/1/1/1; an average brood size of 2.4.

Egg-laying started at the earliest nest on 24th March, but a number of pairs only began laying after the heavy rains in May. The chicks at these later nests won't be old enough for ringing until mid-August.


Thursday 3 June 2021

Marlow Peregrines

A pair of peregrines took up residence on Marlow All Saints church in 2020. So early this year Wild Marlow organised to install a nest platform fitted with a camera to monitor events.

The pair nested with three chicks surviving from a clutch of four eggs. At 22 days old the chicks were fitted with identification rings by Middle Thames Ringing Group. The orange colour-rings with large black letters can be read by a camera or telescope. So it is hoped to learn where these chicks disperse to over their lifetime.

Such data will add to the scientific understanding of the peregrine population's survival, longevity and dispersal pattern, helping to formulate strategies for their conservation.

Thanks go to Marlow All Saints church for supporting Wild Marlow's efforts in this conservation success story.

 Wild Marlow

 Middle Thames RG

Editor's note: Post-fledging, one of the chicks has been seen on St Luke's Church, Maidenhead.

Sunday 11 April 2021

First Barn Owl egg of 2021


The 2021 Barn Owl nesting season is underway with the first egg being laid in one of our "camera" boxes today - a fairly typical date.

Editors note: a nest was subsequently found where egg laying had commenced on 24th March